Thursday, March 15, 2018

Day 38... 22lbs down!!!

It is 6:40 on Thursday morning. Been up for nearly 2 hours already. Did another day of hard dry fasting yesterday. I thought I would be more hungry but what really got to me was the thirst due to the abstinence of drinking any type of liquid. My mouth tasted terrible all day and downright dehydrated after I went for a 3 miles treadmill session at high speed. I went to bed at 11:30 pm last night with a violent headache. Slept like shit all night. Turned, tossed, turned, tossed again and again for hours and finally got up at about 4:30 am for I could not take it anymore. The good news is, I weighed at 208 lbs this morning, a full 22lbs down from when I started this adventure 38 days ago!
The next time I have a few days off, I will block 2 days and do a 48 hour fast. The difference this time is that I will not work out. I will test and take it easy for the duration.
22 lbs in 38 days! Wow!!! 😮

Saturday, March 10, 2018

19 pounds down!!!!

Came back from 2 back to back trips 3 days ago and pretty much went about things as usual. Angelina came by on Thursday and I introduced her to the Tom DeLauer videos on YouTube. Not only is this guy gorgeous and had a smile to damn a saint but his videos are a wealth of information. Anyway, we decided we’d  go on a fast all day yesterday and I chose to do a hard dry fast while Gina decided to do liquids. If you are not familiar with the difference, the hard dry fast is a fast during which one consumes no food, no drink but also stays away from any type of water interaction such as showering, hand washing, tooth brushing, anything to to with water. The result is, the body is forced to get into autophagy, a process during which the body burns its own fat cells for water and nutrients (to put it simply).

In any case, I am down 19 pounds as of this morning and am so very excited!!!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Salon de l'Agriculture - Paris 

Arrived yesterday and was super tired from working all night. Did not jump on the treadmill right off the bat yesterday but I woke up early today and went to the hotel’s gym. Had a great day with Genevieve at the Agricultural Fair, perusing through mounds of regional foods and still was very disciplined. I did not touch any samples unless they were meat or cheese. I had a Toulouse sausage for lunch and dumped the bread it came with!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Day 22... 12 lbs down!

Yep, that is right! Today is the 28th of February, I started 22 days ago and dropped 12 pounds. The most amazing thing about it is that I have not had ANY sugar or bread or ANY of the stuff that is off limits to me. The no sugar part is the one that blows my socks off given my strong addiction to it!
Flying to Paris this afternoon.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Back Home

Came back home this morning after flying all night and had the bad idea of weighing myself. The scale indicates I put on 3.5 pounds. Pissed me off to no end! Angelina said to never weigh in after coming back from a flight for the same happens to her all the time.. she says that things should be back to normal by tomorrow...

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Short Layover

Finally made it to Honolulu after a whole day of waiting at the airport, being sent to a shit motel and flying across the pacific on a packed airplane and no trash carts. Arrived at the hotel at ça. 13:00, went to Don Quijote, picked up Ahi Poke and roasted pork from Uchoice, came back to the hotel and jumped on the treadmill for an hour. My feet hurt because of my arch pronation problem. Will have to find a way to get custom orthotics

Friday, February 23, 2018

Day 18... Down 10.5 pounds!!! 

I am sitting at the SLC airport on an extended delay to HNL and nothing better to do than doing a diary entry. Today is day 18 of my “keto diet” and I have lost 10.50 pounds since I started. Pretty stoked. Organizing for meals while flying is pretty challenging but not impossible to overcome. I have been good about power-walking in the park or at the gym. The weather outside has been downright shitty, so I have been working out inside... in fact, I was at 24 hour fitness at 6 this morning. I am starting to like this whole thing!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Restraint and discipline

I am having coffee at the counter of the café around the corner from the hotel in Paris. My Friends work there and i go there often... 
Staring at me is this basket of breaskfast beauties... Under normal circumstances I would have dug in and eaten a couple. Instead of giving in I ordered another “café noisette” and a big glass of water. Today is day 15 of my diet adventure and i still have not had any sugar, any pastry or even a piece of dark chocolate for that matter. When I arrived yesterday after flying across the Atlantic for 10 hours, I checked in my hotel room and went straight to the gym and walked 2 miles on the treadmill.... this afternoon, I will go back and do it again, only 3 miles this time, after walking all the way down to Pasteur and back with Stéphane!  Pretty happy with myself today

Sunday, February 18, 2018

7 pounds down!

Weighed myself this morning.... lost 7lbs!!!  Yay!!! Woot woot!!! Also, finally went into ketosis las night!!!

Went to the park and walked 3 miles to celebrate my “achievement” . It was cold and blustery as hell. Back at home now, journaling and blogging my progress. Going back to Paris now. Was looking forward to it but since Julia got stuck in NYC because of the snow, I now have been escalated to the B position 🤢
Thank Goodness the loads are super light.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Big Première today!!!

Today indeed was a big première for me... after nearly 20 years of flying to Paris and other places, today was the first time I EVER went to a hotel gym in Paris....  This location has a very nice gym, albeit a bit limited for gym warriors like Poulet or Mark. Anyway, it amply suffices for me, especially since I am not yet where I want to be physically. Nevertheless, the treadmills are awesome. At least the ones that work since 2 out of 4 are busted.... And they have a great view of the Boulevard St Jacques and the Eiffel style metro bridge.
After working out, went to breakfast down at the exec club and ate eggs, sausage, bacon and cheese. I even melted some butter in my eggs! I feel like a big fat swine 🐷  but I just read that 60-75% of my calorie intake needs to come from fat... I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to that 😮
Still it does not matter how much fat I eat...I can’t seem to get into ketosis fast enough. I keep on peeing on those fucking ketone test  strips and they don’t turn deep purple. I suppose I need to be more patient and eat (yet) more fat!

Coming back home tomorrow. I am the purser on the flight. It is going to be nice to go home for a night. The moment of truth will be on Sunday morning when I weigh myself.
Will be back in Paris on Monday.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Paris Layover - Day 10

Arrived today under a deluge of melting snow. Perfect day for room cocooning with Netflix and French TV on all day.... and going to the gym. Unfortunately, looking through my suitcase I am finding out that I forgot my shorts and that is somewhat of a big deal.  Went to Italie 2 and bought a pair of soccer shorts on sale for the whopping price of 11€.  Also went down to Franprix to get some saucisson , some Brie cheese, butter and Greek yogurt.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Day 7 

Today and I started out by weighing myself. I LOST 4lbs! I am psyched!!!

Had a fatty breakfast (English cheddar slathered with French butter) and went to 24 hour fitness for the first time. Killed it on the treadmill. Walked for 1.5 hour and 4.6 miles. Will go back tomorrow morning before flying out to Paris

I have been peeing on those fucking ketone test strips for a couple of days now and I don’t seem to be coming close to the right color. I am going to start on coconut oil tomorrow and see if that bring me any closer to ketosis...

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Hotel Workout!!!

Now here is a concept I am not familiar with.... Hotel workout!!! I woke up extra early, came down to meet Sharon (Moscari) at the hotel gym... She showed me how to work the treadmill. I loved it so much that I spend way more time on there than I had anticipated.
Went to Don Quijote after that and bought Ahi poke for lunch and Roast pork to take home.

Ahi Poke

Seaweed Salad

Kimchee Cucumbers

U Choice's Best! Roast Pork

Friday, February 9, 2018


First day back after being off for 2 weeks with a sprained wrist. Woke up early this morning, was in the park at 7am. Walked around twice, once on the inner loop, once on the outer loop. Came home, freshened up and flew to Hawaii. Brought a Cobb salad with me and did not touch anything on the plane besides coffee. Went with the crew to home bar, ordered the seared tuna. Went to bed after an exhausting day and almost 23k steps!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

New year, new me BS 🤣🤣🤣

With my favorite niece, Paul & Marjo's daughter, Elyse

So here I am at the beginning of February 2018.
52 years old, 230lbs and Angelina finally convinced me to get started on the ketogenic (keto) diet. She lost 6+ lbs in about a week or so.

With my beloved Mom for her birthday

With Paul's Momma

 Let’s see how I fare on that.... it is gonna be hard. No sugar at all, no starches, no grains, no fruit, only protein, fat and some veggies. 😱 Looks scary but hey, some people we know lost a tremendous amount of weight that way.... let’s see what happens... 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻