Saturday, March 10, 2018

19 pounds down!!!!

Came back from 2 back to back trips 3 days ago and pretty much went about things as usual. Angelina came by on Thursday and I introduced her to the Tom DeLauer videos on YouTube. Not only is this guy gorgeous and had a smile to damn a saint but his videos are a wealth of information. Anyway, we decided we’d  go on a fast all day yesterday and I chose to do a hard dry fast while Gina decided to do liquids. If you are not familiar with the difference, the hard dry fast is a fast during which one consumes no food, no drink but also stays away from any type of water interaction such as showering, hand washing, tooth brushing, anything to to with water. The result is, the body is forced to get into autophagy, a process during which the body burns its own fat cells for water and nutrients (to put it simply).

In any case, I am down 19 pounds as of this morning and am so very excited!!!

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