Wednesday, February 7, 2018

New life, kinda...

So here's to a new chapter... a new life... A new me.... well, not really but there have been a few changes since I last was on here writing about my daily routine and random thoughts.
For starts, I moved out of the house I was renting on Logan Avenue and, thanks to Angelina pushing my ass, I ended up purchasing a house down in Liberty Wells, an area that sits by Liberty Park. I bought a 1919 Tudor brick house, complete with a garden, a garage and a finished basement. I love the proximity of the Park and the fact that I can go walk there...

The second major change is that after years of verbal and mental abuse, years of being publicly ridiculed and belittled, I decided that I have had enough and put an end to my relationship to Eric. Although he will always have a special place in my heart, I cannot deal with the constant drama, the endless rants about the whole world being after him, such person being a cunt and such other person being out to get him. God knows how hard I have tried to be a good partner and a good friend, doing all I could to make his life a sweeter place, welcoming him in my home, letting him occupy more than half of my space at the Logan Av. house, waiting for him endlessly at the restaurant while he was lecturing his staff for hours on end every night, depriving myself of much needed sleep after flying all night across the Atlantic just to run around in Paris and shop for the restaurants, having to wait again for weeks in order to be reimbursed for the money I fronted out of my own pocket for the restaurants in Paris. On a different note, I cannot deal with the person he has morphed into thank to all the vodka he drinks and the cocaine he consumes. I cannot deal with his entourage of cronies constantly leaching for a free meal, free booze or free cocaine

In the end, Eric decided to fuck me over a LARGE sum of money that I lent him to meet his payroll and be able to pay his staff at the Paris. Of course he promised to give me the money back and then gave no more signs of life when the day came to honor his word to me. I am now in a deep financial shit because of that. This is just sad and pathetic but this is now behind me. I hope that when he comes back up the hill he will decide to be a man of his word. I won't hold my breath though, knowing that he also has fucked over his own mother for $35,000 and his parents (dad + stepmother) for $30,000. Pathetic indeed...

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