Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A dog's Life... A bad thing???

I sometime wonder why having a dog's life automatically has a negative connotation in people's mind....

In Marcel's case, it is a succession of lazy days spent sleeping, pooping, sleeping some more, playing, getting picked up, kissed and hugged all the time and...... EATING!!!!

When I first got Marcel, I went to the veterinarian and bought him a huge bag of expensive puppy food.... He ate for a couple of weeks and then inexplicably stopped one day and would have nothing to do with dog food.... Eric suggested I buy him
frozen ground meat from Valerie's holistic pet store in Park City (buffalo, venison or elk meat, ground with raw veggies, bone meal and kelp).... Seeing myself enslaved to the kitchen and cooking for my dog for the rest of my life, I dismissed the idea and moved on, thinking that Marcel was just going through a phase.... Then a few days later while I was abroad, Marcel became very sick with diarrhea and did not eat for 4 days straight.... My Mother suggested that I cook him some rice, carrots and serve him the meat along with that..... I did just that, but of course put a little spin on it, being a cook at heart.... My dog loved it! So much much in fact that I have been cooking twice a week ever since that...

Here is how it goes: I first cook (actually slightly overcook, on purpose) some rice and let it cool, then I peel some carrots and turnips and cook them until they are soft.... In the meantime, I dice raw apples and chop some parsley....

All the meanwhile, Marcel awaits eagerly, giving me a "people-are-starving-in-Africa-and-so-am-I" third world kind of look....

Then, the not-so-fun part.... I mix everything (the rice, the veggies, the apples, the ground meat) by hand in a bowl and..... voila!!! I have great homemade, balanced food that my dog loves and cannot get enough of....

And I get to wash a mountain of dishes after that!!!!!

Talk about loving my dog!!!!!

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