Or evil, worthless sons of bitches... that's more like it....
Just came back from France the other day... while I was gone, my neighbor Kevin was working on a few of my truck's problems...
Someone had the nerves to come steal my truck that night from his driveway, right by his bedroom window, just a few yards from my house....
I was so very pissed off the entire week end that I could barely speak or act rationally..... Stayed locked inside my house....
Now that came back down to earth and the urge to shoot someone is gone, I have to go back to my everyday life and try to get a new vehicle as soon as possible....
I am still beyond pissed.... and feel utterly violated and dispossessed....
My friend Eric is so right, so spot-on.... so many people out there looking for a handout.... so many losers and second-handers.... Salt Lake City is unfortunately no exception with all its crystal meth crazed white trash and cholos....
It's appalling, plain and simply.........